Early Signs of Dyslexia

Some of the most common dyslexic symptoms for children under five years old are difficulty learning nursery rhymes, slow speech development, trouble learning the alphabet and the inability to follow multiple instructions, E.g. putting the crayons in their box and putting the box away.  The general signs for primary school children are slow-paced reading, which Read more about Early Signs of Dyslexia[…]

Preparing for Transfer Test Results

If you had a child who sat the Transfer Test last November, I’m sure you know that the long-awaited results will be released in less than two weeks (27th January). Not thinking about the results is easier said than done for many parents and children.  Feeling anxious or excited about how they performed in the Read more about Preparing for Transfer Test Results[…]


The Day Before the First Test

Be Prepared As your child will be unable to enter the exam hall if they are late, you must have measures inplace to ensure that this doesn’t happen. You also want to avoid rushing, as this can create anenvironment of stress and panic, not a good combination before an exam. Measures mayinclude ensuring that you Read more about The Day Before the First Test[…]